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Hypnobirthing with Hannah

What is Hypnobirthing?

You may be put off hypnobirthing due to the strange sounding name, or maybe because you think that hypnobirthing means a particular type of birth or type of pain relief.  Don’t worry! Hypnobirthing is simply a way of working with your body, using simple tools to make birth a positive and calm experience. Hypnobirthing teaches you the practice of relaxation and mindfulness for birth using guided visualisations and breathing techniques to aid relaxation and release fear.


About me.

I am a registered midwife and KGHypnobirthing teacher – the leading hypnobirthing provider in the UK and Royal College of Midwives accredited course. After witnessing the huge impact Hypnobirthing had on women and their birth partners during the birth process, I decided to train to become an instructor. Initially a huge sceptic, I have been amazed at how relaxed and calm hypnobirthing couples are; regardless of where or how they birthed. Using Hypnobirthing techniques, I experienced a wonderful homebirth with my little boy and I cannot wait to share my experiences as a mother, midwife and Hypnobirthing teacher.

About the Class.

This course has been designed to meet the needs of all expectant couples regardless of where or how you are planning to have your baby. I aim to give you the skills needed to increase your chances of having a natural, calm labour and will be teaching you techniques to eradicate fear and anxiety surrounding childbirth.


You will gain a strong understanding of how fear and tension can affect the birth process and the importance of the mind-body connection. This course will give you confidence to be active participants in your birth process ensuring that, alongside midwives and obstetricians, you feel part of the decision-making process.


As an experienced midwife, I am extremely realistic about labour and birth. This course is designed to help you remain relaxed and in-control not matter what course labour takes.


For more information email us here

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